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  6. Srisawatsakul, C., Quirchmayr, G., & Papasratorn, B. (2014b). Do Personality Traits Work as Moderator on the Intention to Purchase Mobile Applications Work?-A Pilot Study. In Information and Communication Technology (pp. 56–65). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  7. Srisawatsakul, C., & Papasratorn, B. (2013). Factors Affecting Consumer Acceptance Mobile Broadband Services with Add-on Advertising: Thailand Case Study. Wireless Personal Communications, 69(3), 1055–1065. ISI Science Citation Index
  8. Srisawatsakul, C. (2012). Measuring Thai Consumers Acceptance of Free-Application Advertisement in Android and iOS Device: A Conceptual Model. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mobility for Life: Technology, Telecommunication and Problem Based Learning, 1–7.